9. Black Saturday email templates to make money from the holiday season |

Jun 10, 2023

In order to make money during the holiday period, download these nine Black Friday and Cyber Monday email templates. This template is pre-designed and ready for you to modify.

You're gearing up for the time of giving (is this the right time to start?) and you're planning Christmas promotional events.

At the end of the day, it's the time to sell.

In the beginning, we'll go over the most important elements you need to incorporate into your email marketing campaign before getting into Black Friday email templates.

Are you ready to share the joy of Christmas and drive sales this year? Find out how the free account will allow you to build a complete web site, take part in the world of email marketing, establish an online community and much more. Start the holiday promotions you're planning to launch right immediately!!

What's the secret to a successful Black Friday email?

To simplify things to make things easier, I'll be referring to Black Friday and Cyber Monday interchangeably, since our tips and strategies are the same for both. Naturally, you can modify our strategies depending on the particular promotion you're planning in preparation for the holiday season.

Now that the caveat has been gotten over, we'll talk about Black Friday messages. Your Black Friday emails won't see the sunlight if you don't have a compelling subject line.

It's not easy to convince those who check your emails on a every day.

After all, 47 % of people who receive email check their email by their subject line all by itself.

The competition is even higher during Black Friday and Cyber Monday which is when 116.5 million emails as well as the equivalent of 106 million emails are sent and received, respectively.

Utilize, for example, the idea of scarcity or urgency in the subject line of your email to get recipients to open the emails they receive, such as in the On On! 's "Last Chance: Sprint for Gifts" subject line:

Another option is to surprise your viewers with gifts similar to Mod" 's "A small gift to get you ready to Mod"" the subject line.

Furthermore, because Mod" as well as Mod" make use of the capital letters it is possible to use an emoji within your subject line to increase the quantity of readers who are interested in your message.

If you're convinced that emoji aren't appropriate to be used in email subject lines for Black Friday email subject lines Consider this:

Companies that include emoji in their subject lines can have up to a 56% greater open rate in comparison to companies who do not.

What better way to take advantage of the spirit of happiness and play around with a festive emoji that will inspire you to smile?

Whatever the case, when you have your readers open your emails, the fight for half of them is over. Truly.

A key element that will assist in making the Black Friday email campaign a great success is having a clearly stated call-to action (CTA).

Be clear about what your subscribers to email do the next time. A simple "shop today" CTA that stands out from the rest of your emails will be enough for holiday emails.

You can check out any number of Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails. CTA seems to be the same around the globe.

Plae For instance, it uses an obvious green "SHOP now" CTA at the bottom of its Black Friday email.

In addition, Baggu has a large "SHOP today" CTA that extends across the length of its Black Friday email design.

For a different look check out Rapha to see a slight variation that includes a red "SHOP The Sale" CTA which stands out against the black email background.

It's simple to comprehend. Design your CTA in the most clear way you possibly can.

Also you can make sure that email messages for Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails may also include the usage of a GIF if you want to add a little Christmas-themed flair to your email messages.

For instance, 700 million people use GIFs each day and Giphy offers a staggering 10 billion GIFS each day. People love their GIFs is an understatement.

The message shouldn't have to be complex neither does it need to be elaborate. Simple GIF on the front of a Black Friday email that I received from BabyCenter in 2019 could be enough to get attention for its CTA and help spread the holiday cheer.

GIFs aren't the only thing however, the main message is:

Use a catchy subject line, powerful and succinct CTA and (optional) GIF in your Black Friday email campaign.

"Anticipation" Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails

Nothing is more satisfying than creating excitement and anticipation over your company's name.

One way to do this is to generate excitement about your products via emails which lead to Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.

As in, send emails well before the holiday discount dates and start thinking about launching your Black Friday sale in the months leading up the Black Friday.

Why? The majority of people don't want to wait for Black Friday.

Particularly when it comes to online shopping made through email promotional campaigns.

Even during the Thanksgiving holiday the market is flooded with shoppers who purchase almost as many products on the internet through mail-marketing campaigns than they do on Black Friday. In addition, click-through and open rates are generally greater than before Black Friday weekend hits.

Type #1. The mysterious announcement template

Hey, [first nameHello [first name

There's a new and exciting trend that is in development, and it's coming your way.

I can't say much more other than the fact that.

In addition, there's the fact that I believe that you'll love this.

Keep your eyes on the horizon this week.

(And this is definitely better over your usual Black Friday deal.)

Keep you updated regarding what's happening on the [brand name]. Brand name!

So excited, [your nameCopy and paste on the clipboard

Type #2. This is the entire email template.

Hey I'm name is [first nameHey first name,

It's that season of the year.

You can decide whether or not, the Christmas season is a great time to celebrate But I'm sure you'll be able to get through this.

(We all must be reminded of this in particular this year. Am I right?)

For the sake of making your life a little more easy, this email isn't an email blast to encourage your purchase of an Black Friday deal.

The email will reassure us that we've got all the information needed to help you issues.

Especially this time of season, I'd like make sure that the brand is helping the most.

You'll receive all necessary information to resolve your issue.


This is what we have for you:

  • If you're struggling with the [problem] struggling, we'll give you the solution.
  • If you're experiencing problems, we offer you our solution.
  • If you're struggling with the [problem]. If you're experiencing difficulties, we'll help you find the product.
  • If you're experiencing problems you're having trouble, we'll provide the [product].
  • If you're having problems, if you're having trouble with the software, we'll send you [productthat you require.

(Yes we'll continue to offer an old-fashioned Black Friday deal [timeframe] to everything. Keep an eye out for details on discounts.)

If you're still not sure about which option isn't the right fit, just hit reply to this email and we'll work with you.

We're able to do this, we'd love to.

We could all do with a helping hand in the near future.

We're here to help you.
    [your name] Copy onto clipboard

Type #3. The template used for product suggestions email

Hey Hello, first nameHey First name

We thought it would be nice to ease the process shopping (online) during this time of giving.

As a fan of [product], we think you'll enjoy:

  • [product]
  • [product]
  • [product]

If you're trying to solve your issue] this article can assist with that.

Of course, we'll join this Black Friday and Cyber Monday discount celebration by offering discounted prices on [products].

We'll get it in your hands within the timeframe you specify.

Be on the lookout for our best offer of this year!

Help is here,
    Copy [your name] and paste it onto the clipboard

"Sense of urgency" Black Friday and Cyber Monday email messages

It's likely that you'll get a lot of them within your email in the coming days when Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be around. However, there's a deeper motivation behind them.

It's working.

In essence, the less restricted the product's area of application, the more attractive and at-tuned to the people that purchase their products.

For an iconic view into how back-end psychology operates Check out the famous cookie jar experiment , where 200 people were asked to rank cookies. Ten cookies were placed in a jar and the other two were put within a second (of identical cookies clearly).

It's no surprise that the cookies contained in the container with two cookies were rated 2x higher than those in the jar with 10 cookies.

What can you do to inject scarcity and a sense of urgency to the holiday email messages you send out?

If the offer is a particular discount, timeframe or inventory such as our next collection includes Cyber Monday as well as Black Friday email templates are created to invoke a fear of missing the opportunity (FOMO).

Pro-tip: Combine these templates with a countdown timer or inventory counters on your page's landing pages, as well as eCommerce product pages to create greater enthusiasm.

Type #4. It's a basic FOMO email template

Hey, [first name]

In order to help you stay clear of FOMO In order to help you stay away from FOMO, I'll keep it simple.

The best bargains this year.

We'll offer a discounted rate in 2020 to be part of our Black Friday deal.

If you're looking to resolve some issue] then you'll have to take advantage of this amazing discount to gain access to:

  • [product category]
  • [product category]
  • [product category]
  • [product category]

If you're thinking about the best time to buy the product, it's best to purchase is right now, until [date].

Let's get to solving the problem (at an incredible discount for a limited time)!


    [Your name] Copy and paste to the clipboard

Type #5. Simple discount email template

Hey, [first nameHey, [first name

The most amazing Black Friday deal is here, just for our customers!

From now until [date], we'll offer you a [discount] off the items we have available.

Enter discount coupon code [discount] at during checkout] to get your discount instantly.

If you (or anyone that you know) struggles with [problem] This is the ideal time to tackle the problem (at the price of a once-off offer).


Thank you for your support. Black Friday,
    [Your name] Copy to clipboard

Type #6. Last Chance Template for Emails

Hey, [first nameHello [first name

We'll remind you that there's just the [date] remaining to avail our discounted.

We are closing our Black Friday sale ends on the date of [date].

If you're looking to resolve an issue, you can solve it with a discountthat is valid prior to the (date).

The discount is in effect until the sale ends on [timeframe] for:

  • [product category]
  • [product category]
  • [product category]
  • [product category]

Do not fall for our largest discount for all of the year when you are looking to obtain that ideal final result.


[your name]
    [script box's ending] Copy to clipboard

Type #7. The email template that addresses the issue of scarcity

Hey, [first name]

Just a quick heads up:

The only [a very limited number] left of the Black Friday ] deal Black Friday sale.

If you're someone who struggles with this issue do not miss out on your Black Friday deal that could provide a solution.

(And with a substantial discount, is there a more acceptable than now?)

If you're contemplating about joining or buying a [product] I'd recommend doing it before the time when the final [product] has been purchased.


It's not too late!
    (Your name) Copy the clipboard onto your computer.

"Follow-up offers" Black Friday and Cyber Monday messages via email

Our final batch of Cyber Monday and Black Friday emails is designed to close the deal.

By reminding your subscribers once again to make use of Black Friday sales Black Friday deals, and providing another incentive before the time that Black Friday sale ends, they'll have another reason to act right now.

You're concerned that you're overdoing this by sending additional reminders throughout your Black Friday email marketing campaign, think again.

For those who want to receive response rates, follow-up emails usually will get more responses than the first one.

One study showed an 18% rate of response for the initial message, 13% for the subsequent follow-up and two-thirds of the respondents responding on the sixth.

In addition, sending an additional number of follow-up emails could be described as a way to increase the rate at which you reply .

In essence, if you wish to receive a response from your customers It's likely to happen in the follow-up emails. Don't forget to take advantage of the opportunity to add an additional message that is appealing within the Black Friday email marketing campaign.

Enter #8. The contest email template

Hey, [first name],

There's a great news announcement to share with our readers:

The first [number] customers who buy our productare qualified to win [a prize(prize).

Isn't that fun?

In addition, you are able benefit from our Black Friday discount [code] for an additional [discountof] up to 5% discount.

We decided to add more cheeriness into the mix this year since... Well, this has been a kind of year.


Have a great time!
    [your name] Copy on to clipboard

Type #9. The ideal template for customers who are loyal"email"

Hello, my name is first [first name[first name

The email below is simple to show our appreciation.

Thank you for being who you are and for trusting me to help you (solve the issue).

To express my appreciation To show my appreciation, I would like to present you an additional thing.

In the [timeframe], take advantage of the additional price for [products].

There aren't any conditions. Enter the discount code at payment to redeem the gift.

I would like to thank the opportunity to succeed in my efforts to solve problems.

Always, if you have any ideas or suggestions to simplify your life contact me.


    [Your nameCopy your name to clipboard

Supercharge the sales of your business this Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The number of 93.2 million buyers who made purchases online during Black Friday last year, it'd be silly not to be part of this Black Friday sale frenzy and increase awareness of your business's offerings with a solid promotional email for the holiday season.

This year's outbreak was significant, because the epidemic slowed down the in-person purchasing experiences.

For a successful Christmas marketing campaign for your business, you must follow the guidelines of our Black Friday email tips and templates:

Make sure you have a compelling subject line and a powerful CTA and also add some Christmas-themed spice by using the inclusion of a GIF in the Black Friday email designs.

Make use of one of our "anticipation" template for emails to build hype and excitement about your company.

Make use of one of our "sense of urgency" email templates to generate an appetite for your product and convince your readers to make a purchase now.

Utilize the "follow-up incentive" email templates to remind your customers about the moment you'll be closing your Black Friday sale ends and inspire loyal customers to shop more.

Let us know what you think about your best Black Friday emails, and you will be able to enjoy an amazing Black Friday sale and beyond.

P.S. : Still missing an email service provider for making the Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaign emails? Look for an opportunity to try a trial for free.

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