5 online communities to provide ideas

Dec 21, 2022

If you've ever considered thinking about launching an online community, you aren't alone. Research has found that 60% of companies have a branded online community and that 15% of them were planning to add one in the coming 12 months. From intimate masterminds to sprawling community networks that have thousands of members from free to costing thousands of dollars, the options to run an online community are unlimited.

Read on to find out the ways other community leaders are thriving, and get one or two tips you can implement to your personal community!

Conscious Collective

228 members

3 Access Groups

Hero for seven years

Describe your community and why they gather.

My community is called Conscious Collective It's designed for those who are ready to embrace their potential and power. Our members recognize that we're all connected and we're all in this as a whole, and we carry this awareness to spirituality. We have the opportunity to train and challenges for mindfulness, meditation, and personal transformation with an emphasis on making spirituality easy, accessible, and fun. The new challenge system, the Live Room as well as the Leaderboard functionality.


How structured is your community?

We have two main circles inside Conscious Collective for now. The number of circles will grow as we progress. A majority of the activity happens in "The Forum". This is for general conversation about all subjects, challenges conversations and share, and invites to live events. There is also the "Spirit Market" community for those who wish to display, purchase, sell, and trade their metaphysical art and accouterments. Regular challenges, group meditations classes, as well as other events are all hosted inside The Forum / Live Room (which is so much more effective than Zoom, by the way!). We're adding virtual co-working, art nights, and oracle nights in the month of April.

I use the latest platform to manage my membership for advanced as well as my VIP mentorship group.

A recent community win

The community is really taking to the site. Our members are requesting things like art night, oracle evening, and a few others, and they want to get involved, and perhaps hosts.

A top tip for all the other Heroes

The Leaderboard is amazing! Every month we offer a prize to the lucky winner. Last month was a box of Onyx Coffee, one of the top roasters of coffee across the US. This isn't a massive giveaway and it's not a huge deal, but it brings a little enjoyment to the competition, and has been great for engagement.


Stylist Soul Tribe

228 members

3 Access Groups

Hero for 7 years

Describe your community and why people gather.

Stylist Soul Tribe is a mastermind-like community in the industry of beauty. The group is composed of 20 tribes comprised of salon owners, stylists, educators, and brilliant entrepreneurs with huge concepts. We meet every month for accountability, discuss goals, build friendships and encourage one another through the lows. This truly is a group like no other with many close friendships formed.


How structured is your community?

Using the newest portal within lets our mastermind group scale on a whole new scale. We can now hype each other up in competitions, to share successes, and make even stronger connections. Being able to have live conversations and lessons is another great tool we use to ensure that we keep our engagement high.


A recent community win

A big win to Stylist Soul Tribe this year was that we had 100 members within our mastermind group. We were so excited to officially launch the collective in January to expand even further! The Stylist Soul Tribe is hosting a vision casting workshop coming up where we will discuss mindset and vision work along with the full cycle of success.

A top tip for all other Heroes

A tip that I could leave you with is to create space for your community creatively. A lot of the biggest concepts and innovations that have come from the mastermind are inspired by the people within. The connections occurred naturally because of allowing the space for that to happen. It has provided me with the means to have a structure to run smoothly so that I can show up as authentically as is possible to my fellow members.

Kathy Keats Community

There are 124 members

1. Access Group

Hero for seven years

Define your community's purpose and the reason people gather.

The Kathy Keats Community is an incredible group of dog sport enthusiasts who recognize that realizing your potential in dog sport (or any other activity) isn't just about developing skills, but rather about growth. You can't kid a dog. The dogs are amazing mirrors who make us feel humble, push us to confront our weaknesses and inspire us to be better ... in their honor in our own lives, as well as to those around us.

How is your community structured?

The process is still in the trial process of creating the ideal structure for my community. Right now I'm employing (or will be using) it three ways: one is as an adjunct to online classes and the third is as an accountability group that provides a positive membership in its own right the third option is to use it as a place for me to interact with my audience as well as bring them into my community. I make use of a mix of live meetings and my Live Room feature and Challenges to keep people engaged and focused in courses. I also make weekly posts for the members of my community. I are planning to implement discussions in the free section to determine what subjects and guests might be interesting in my podcasts.


Top tip for other Heroes

If you are using community as part of online courses, you should consider integrating the community first before the start date for the course and engage your learners in the community with an initial week live event, competition or leaderboard scavenger hunt, because it's where the bigger learning curve will be, then open your area of instruction. This can help avoid overwhelm and it's easier to link back to specific lessons in your course.

Recent community wins

The latest course has been a massive success, mostly because a lot people who attend my courses are not tech-savvy but could easily take part in live Q&As due to the user-friendly interface. I've had more face-to-face live participation in the online community than I have ever had using other tools for conferencing because the technology wasn't getting in the way.

The Level Up Club

The 63 Member

2 Access Groups

Hero for 6 years

Tell us about your community and why people gather.

My community, the Level Up Club is made up of individuals who are entrepreneurs, creatives and change-makers to gather and network with other like-minded people that want to learn to the next level, improve their skills to make an positive impact in the world.

How is your community structured?

Two accessibility groups "The Community" which is available for free to join. The other is "The Golden Circle Mastermind" that is my mastermind group. I have five circles; one is for general posts, Bookish is for talk about books and podcasting for--you guessed it--podcasters. And, NLP and Hypnosis are for those looking to discuss the subject, as well as one to my masterminds. The challenges have been super entertaining and my group loves getting involved. The challenges so far have been about making friends, along with the topics of mindfulness and health. Meetups are an excellent way to bring new people to the group by sharing them on social platforms.


Top tip for others Heroes

Enjoy it! Create challenges and participate often you.


A recent community win

My group is beginning to invite others to join because they're having so much fun.

The most important aspect of online communities

The benefits of having a community alongside your other online offerings are obvious. Communities offer your users an opportunity to voice their thoughts and questions. It also gives users the chance to interact with like-minded people.

The benefits of a community are immense to you--through your community, you'll be able to understand your customers requirements firsthand, so that you are able to quickly and easily modify your product offerings for them. Seventy-six per cent of internet users have joined an online community; is it appropriate to offer your customers a place to connect authentically?

Try Communities to the test with our free 14-day trial! Build your dream community, and then take a look at the other options we offer, including an the online course, website and sales funnel builders.

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