10 unique side hustles for creatives |

Jul 4, 2024

Utilize these 10 business online ideas to find your next online side hustle and start earning money on your own terms.

Your job isn't cutting it anymore.

You're bored.

Pay isn't great, but it's not that bad.

You can't stand sitting in a meeting which should be an email.

You begin to look for companies on the web that can start with little investment, time, or any training.

Your search turns up tons of thoughts, however there are few actionable steps, real-world instances, or even data to back them up.

That's why we made this information-backed and examples-filled collection of 10 internet-based business strategies that anyone is able to implement.

We're talking about everyone as well. Whether you're a seasoned maker with more than a dozen online courses to your name or have never earned money through the web and every one of these side-businesses is in demand and is ready to pivot onto.

Sound good? Then, without further ado we'll take a peek!

Online business concepts that are suited to solopreneurs

Side-hustle #1: Resumes and cover letters or LinkedIn professional

You may be dissatisfied with your work schedule, but there are plenty of employees who are looking to find their new job.

When you consider that 25% of adults use LinkedIn  There are plenty of users you could help out during the process of searching for jobs.

For example, John Hancock Resumes helps individuals in certain areas that are located in Ohio and Kentucky improve their resumes, while PUNCH! Media focuses specifically on LinkedIn profiles.

If you have experience in one particular area, consider writing resumes for people who are new to the industry who don't have all of the insider expertise that you do.

Alternatively, you could help existing professionals update their resumes with the most current standards, such as having 2-page resumes or a graphical resume.

Key takeaway: You don't have to be a career coach or be a professional with more than 30 years of experience working in your field to become a successful resume write.

You must be able to communicate effectively and knowledge of your field, and know-how to help someone's profile or resume stand out.

That's it.

Side-hustle number 2: Become virtual assistant

"Virtual assistant" is a broad phrase that refers to anyone who assists small-sized businesses in completing their tasks.

Companies have hired virtual assistants (VAs) to execute an increasing number of tasks including:



Management of social media

Controlling email

Proofreading and editing

Making and editing graphics


Virtual assistants' flexibility could be a factor for the industry's 11.60% compound annual growth rate through 2021 and is well-liked by small-scale business owners of all walks of life.

For a good example of how effective VAs can be, consider Kayla Sloan.

She began as a freelance writer and virtual assistant in the year 2014 before quitting her job in the year 2015. She then started her own six-figure company later in that year.

Keep in mind that regardless of whether you're not planning to supply virtual assistants for the long run, it can be an invaluable method of gaining insight into running other kinds of businesses, too.

As an example, this student, blogger, as well as a part-time VA knew that she was interested in working for a successful blog so that she could see how it was managed.

It's the most important thing to remember: Even if you're not sure which of the business will work best for you, consider providing VA assistance in the interim.

Side-hustle #3: Edit podcasts

Podcasts aren't untried sites for monetization anymore. iTunes alone had more than 550,000 active shows in mid-2018, and around 189 million Americans have listened to any sort of streaming audio over the past month.

Which is why they could utilize a editor for podcasts just as you do.

The editors of podcasts are able to assist the creators with any number of tasks, ranging from decreasing background noise and improving the quality of audio to enhancing it to improve the clarity of it and its length.

For example, Sonics Podcasts cooperates with creators to edit and create their podcasts.

Similar to the production of podcasts, the company Counterweight Creative was founded in the year 2000 and has since grown from a one-person podcast production company into a company with a number of contractors, and the company has a monthly income of 10,000 dollars which has collaborated alongside smaller companies to become a powerhouse such as Salesforce.

With how many podcasts are out there, there's nothing to stop you from digging, either.

If helping other small companies is your passion you should consider helping small-scale creators who are trying to grow their podcasts, or have only one season published.

Are you looking to combine your work and your love for what you do? Consider focusing on podcasts related to antique car repair, data science or watercolor painting -- if you can think it up There are likely to be a few podcasts available that already have space to make your own.

Key takeaway: So long as you're knowledgeable about podcasting best methods and the most common editing software, it's entirely possible to create a lucrative podcast editing side-business.

Fourth Side-hustle: Narrate books as well as article

Do you have a soft high-quality, NPR-quality voice?

Then you could make a pretty penny from narrating audiobooks.

With the sales of audiobooks increasing by 22.7% from 2017 to 2018, as well as the average person listening to 6.8 audiobooks every year, it's no wonder that audiobook narration isn't listed in the top 10 hottest professions of the year.

Now you may be thinking"Why should someone ever hire me to create the audiobook of their choice?

Think about this: Considering all the work authors put into writing the book, they might not be able to record the audiobook version which is why you're here.

There's a chance that you could be the same woman was paid $600 to record the first of her ebooks. Or this guy who made his whole-time income through narration of audiobooks.

If eBooks seem a bit too time-consuming for your schedule then you might consider providing blog narration rather.

As an example, Medium publications may include Audio Narrations within their content however, the narration may be a bit artificial.

For long, emotional-driven report-types, there are probably hundreds of writers (and even more viewers who might prefer to listen to it as audio instead.

What's the key takeaway: With the explosion in self-publishing and rise of audiobooks in the last couple of years, there's certainly an opportunity for authors and businesses alike that are seeking to convert their content written in a text format to an audio format.

Side-hustle #5: Create your own ebook

For all of you super skilled but not camera shy people out in the world, why don't you profit from your knowledge through the creation of an ebook?

In all reality, there were approximate 957.3 million ebook users in the year 2019, and that number set to grow to nearly 1.12 billion by 2023.

In case that's not persuasive enough, the median revenue per user is $14.30 The majority of it coming from the United States.

To put it another way, people really like ebooks. There will be more readers of ebooks in the coming years. eBooks could provide good profits if you're in the right market.

If you're worried about the fact that you do not have sufficient knowledge or experience to share, don't because it's not true.

The ebook you write could be about any topic, regardless of whether it's a practical tutorial or goes through your personal experiences.

For example, online teaching guru Elena Mutonono sells various digital items on her website, which she uses to assist others grow their teaching online businesses.

Similar to that, Shawn C.H. Leamon provides an eBook on how divorcees should know about managing their finances.

If you're not knowledgeable on online teaching or financial management, don't sweat it -- there are ebooks on nearly every subject you can think of.

And in the event that you don't have one, that just means there's a space to type it.

Side-hustle #6: Develop an online course

People love to learn.

In fact, they enjoy it so much, that the market for e-learning worldwide will grow at a average annual rate of 7.2 percentage through 2027.

Consider social media manager Latasha James  who's The Journey Social course teaches others how to be freelance social media manager, as an illustration.

Similar to that, Full Circle Music's Music Production Mastery is targeted at those who want a comprehensive look at how to produce and modify music.

If you do not have enough time or the equipment required to create a complete video, you may present live-streamed courses for small groups and individuals instead.

In particular, chefs across the globe offer individual cooking lessons live through The Chef and Dish, so that users can have a more personalized, hands-on experience.

When you decide to go with recordings of your own or one-onone training sessions, be aware of the words of this businessman affirm: " We're all more gifted than we believe for and have skills that many others have."

Key takeaway: Education is a lucrative field to get into, and it's one without limits. You can have to have your own class or prefer to teach online There's plenty of opportunity to earn a profit.

Side-hustle #7: Become your own personal stylist

Everyone always praises your style and how stylish you are?

Profit from your flair by helping others become as stylish as you aresince, if the numbers below are any indication, many of us have difficulties becoming our best-dressed ourselves.

54% of customers have stopped shopping at a brand or retailer's website due to difficulty to make the right decision, while 42% of shoppers had to abandon a planned purchase because there were too many choices available.

There are many people who are looking for the perfect interview outfit or for a fresh outfit for the "new them" haven't found the right outfit.

That's where you come in.

Take the example of Dr. Charlene Lawson, who is a consultant in fashion consulting along with her full-time corporate position.

As with any field it is possible to narrow your focus to make yourself more competitive as well. Perhaps, for instance, have you worked in the tech industry for years? If so, you could offer your services to personal stylists for candidates and employees looking to improve their positions.

But don't think that those in the field of business do not have a need for styling. that need to be styled.

Your speciality could be helping moms who have just had babies reinvent their own style or coaching people who've been through a life-changing experience to create a fresh sense of style to reflect the "new" them.

Key takeaway: If you've got the style and flair, then you have the potential to be personal stylist. It doesn't take years of experience to help individuals find the right outfit or profit from your skills. A little bit of moxie can take you to the next level.

Side-hustle 8: Buy physical products on the internet

While we can't deny that we have a soft spot for creators of digital products but we have plenty of admiration for creators of physical products as well.

Doing something on the scale or scale of dropshipping isn't feasible or profitable for most entrepreneurs who are sole proprietors However, you could think about selling hand-made clothing and crafts or even food items that are special, among other things.

While selling physical items online can be quite profitable however, it is best to test a few items initially -- like some knitted sweaters that you made when you make your own clothing in order to ensure that your venture is financially viable prior to spending money on more supplies and inventory.

When the results come back -- well, to make a pun, delicious, you're now ready to pivot.

Key takeaway: Ecommerce for physical items is very competitive, however it's you can still enter the market even if you are a novice. If you are planning to sell physical items on the internet, make sure you test your ideas out at a smaller scale prior to committing.

Side-hustle #9: Plan events

96% of newlyweds and engaged couples have reported having have found the process of planning their weddings difficult -- and I'd wager that number is the same for different events as well.

If you're someone who is able to keep a cool mind in stressful situations and a knack for logistics this Event planning company is to your liking.

Although it might seem as if event planning is something that people could do on their individual initiative, take a look at the following: 45% of organizers had more clients than they did a year ago the event, as per a study.

Who wants to take on all the stress of planning an event when someone else could be of assistance?

If you choose to specialize in weddings, you can help couples plan their weddings from start to finish, from organizing Pinterest boards for ideal weddings, to working with wedding venues, vendors and a million other little items.

For a truly unique experience it is possible to choose a more typical niche, such as planning destination weddings in South America or 100% eco-friendly corporate events.

To see just how profitable it can be to niche, take a look at it as an organizer who has a package that helps couples design their destination for their weddings. In addition, the company that organizes events aids people in planning designs, create, and organize themed events.

The main takeaway is: The process of planning an event can be laborious and often takes it's more than just one person's job. If you're good with organization and logistics, you may be able to earn a decent living in the field of event planning.

Side-hustle #10: Become a web-based chatteralist

Some people just aren't natural-born talking people.

However, they do have you to help them to get their lives back.

The research suggests that people who are engaged in deep conversations are more satisfied -- and by helping people to improve their conversational skills can impact the overall mood of people.

How do you earn money from being an online chatteralist?

There is a possibility of holding an open "office hours" where anyone can pay to come in and chat for 30 minutes.

You could also provide more formal conversational training for those seeking jobs for a way to be more conversational in their making connections.

Do you have a flair for explaining abstract concepts or a penchant for grammar?

In the meantime, you can offer the practice of speaking on language exchange websites like iTalki and Verbling .

What's the key takeaway? A "gift of gab" isn't a common trait for many people, but it's often critical for negotiating raises and conflict management. If you've got it, you can make a living by helping other people find their silver tongue.

What can you do to determine whether your idea for a side-business is worth pursuing

Regardless of which side-hustle you choose, you need determine if the venture is worthwhile before resigning from your 9-to-5 and sinking your savings in.

This is the point at which an minimum acceptable product (MVP) is required.

MVPs are also designed so they can get maximum feedback about how to design the product, pricing it, and then market an actual version of your service later.

Let's go back to our personal style online illustration.

In order to create your MVP Conduct a thorough customer study on your target audience. This will make sure that you understand their needs and can make a product they'd realistically pay for.

After that, create the MVP using only aspects that people who use your product would be able to immediately appreciate and value The nice additional features can be added later, once you've proven that you're able to profit from your product at its most basic level.

Next, use the lessons you've learned from these MVPs to further improve the product until it's ready for an initial release, it will have been created with the needs of your clients in the back of your mind.

However, what happens if you wish to do something resource-intensive such as editing podcasts?

You don't need to purchase the extravagant software right now.

Get your name in the world by writing a couple of articles on your website or Medium to help creators develop better podcasts.

If you don't have any physical product or pre-designed item to sell, you could make an explaining video outlining how you edit podcasts and how those editing changes enhance the performance of the program.

Like Buffer  or Buffer, you can design a landing page with a link to your pricing webpage so that interested leads can either opt to) subscribe to your list, or) buy your products by advance.

Whatever way you choose to showcase your MVP, never forget that your goal is to learn the most you can about customers' perceptions and interest in your product before launching the final version - not to make more sales early as possible.

Begin your online venture and earn a profit at your own pace

Successful business concepts don't have to require the investment of thousands of dollars as well as years of education or knowledge.

Each of the side 10 side hustles discussed today is available to many people which includes:

A resume writer for job seekers

Online courses, E-commerce stores as well as ebooks are available for those who are more interested in selling their products rather than services

A virtual assistant for small and medium-sized enterprises

Audiobook editing and editing via podcasts for people with a blend of creative and technical capabilities

Event planning is for people who have an eye for planning and bringing visions into reality

A personal stylist and online chatterbox for people looking to become the best version of themselves they could be.